by Claire Smith
After beholding two astounding sights in the sky (Our Lady and the Miracle of the Sun) and receiving a vision of the future world blessed in peace, New Jersey resident Loci B. Lenar made his choice – he would travel the road on the right, the narrow path leading to grace and salvation. The road on the left would lead only to chaos, Jesus had warned him in a dream. Thirty years later, the devout Catholic continues to dedicate his life to sharing his faith and carrying out a personal mission connected to the ushering in the future Era of Peace that was promised by Our Lady of Fátima in 1917.
Today, Lenar’s ministries include his popular website ( – featuring news on miracles, saints and other faith topics – and his photographs of sacred art. Many of his photos are visually stunning; others are truly miraculous.
(The publication includes an interview with Mr. Lenar's spiritual director Fr. Richard Tartaglia with photographs and prayers by Mr. Lenar).
Available in paperback, the book is written by Claire Smith a Catholic author whose works include Forty Catholics who Shaped the World in Which we Live, The Great Catholic Trivia Challenge, Can I Confess by E-Mail?, Catholicism - Now I get It!, and approximately one thousand newspaper articles.
A Peek Inside St. Virgil's: Photographer Captures the Beauty of Stained Glass -
A news story published in October 2010 by Kathy Shaskan features images of colorful stained glass windows that were photographed by Loci B. Lenar.
The New Testament: The Major Characters of the Bible
View Lenar's Photo Albums on Gloria.TV
The Remarkable Music of Tony Melendez - Video by Loci B. Lenar - Catholic Online
Locus, April 1991,
Omni, December 1990,
(ISSN 0149-8711)
Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone Magazine, August 1987. Feature story about artist Jeffrey Jones' early work as a science fiction illustrator before making a transition to romantic art. (ISSN 0279-6090)
Mr. Lenar is recognized as an artist representative - noted within "Success Stories: Selling Romantic Paintings" - featuring the works of Jeffrey Jones in the January 1991 issue of American Artist.
During the 1980s, Mr. Lenar exhibited the art of Jeffrey Jones at the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art in Dover, New Jersey, and prearranged with artists the consignment and sale of works through established galleries including Illustration House of New York City, owned by Walt and Roger Reed.
2011 and 2009 Nominee
Mr. Lenar's website and blog were both nominated for reporting faith related news.