In 2008, Mr. Loci B. Lenar the founder and administrator of, designed and launched this website as a tool of evangelization to help create public awareness of signs and wonders.
Mr. Lenar created this site as a gathering place for all who are seeking to connect with Jesus, especially for Christians and Catholics to renew their faith with news of miracles.
Mr. Lenar established because of his personal growth as a Christian and practicing Catholic, resulting from several spiritual encounters with Jesus and Our Blessed Mother. The events were life-changing and transformed him into a faithful believer of the Gospels.
Loci B. Lenar was interviewed about his spiritual journey of faith in connection to his personal experience with signs, wonders and miracles by Linda Andrade Rodrigues for The Standard-Times newspaper, New Bedford, MA. The feature article, The Seeker of Spiritual Phenomena was published in the religion section of the newspaper (Page B7) on December 29, 2012. The feature also appears on The article is also reprinted on our website as well.
Mr. Lenar has also shared his spiritual journey of faith several times as a guest speaker on Radio Maria. Mr. Lenar and his spiritual director, Fr. Richard Tartaglia were both interviewed by Kathie Duggan on the radio program Sacred Treasures.
Podcasts from the radio show Sacred Treasures can be listened to on this site by visiting the following link: Parishioners of St. Mary's Church Discuss Miracles of Faith on Radio Maria
As our millennium unfolds, Mr. Lenar believes that God the Father is calling our world to move forward with Christian unity by awakening church leaders and promoting efforts to instill peace into religious denominations through constructive change and evangelization. Mr. Lenar also believes that it's essential for all nations to make positive changes in order to live in peaceful coexistence with one another.
Further information on Christian unity is noted in Tribute to King: Signs from the Heavenly Kingdom. The spiritual locution from Jesus can be examined and studied by visiting the above link. Mr. Lenar has also shared the locution with his spiritual director, Fr Richard Tartaglia.
Mr. Lenar's spiritual director for over twenty years is Fr. Richard Tartaglia of Saint Mary's Catholic Church, Denville, New Jersey, USA. In addition, Fr. Richard is a source for providing testimony on behalf of Mr. Lenar in connection to the spiritual events unfolding. Loci B. Lenar is also a parishioner of Saint Mary's Parish.
Additionally, Mr. Lenar was a parishioner for nearly twenty years at Saint Mary's in Wharton, NJ, before making a change several years ago to the parish in Denville. Your prayer support is much appreciated for Mr. Lenar's family and for God's blessing and grace on
Loci B. Lenar is a parishioner of Saint Mary's Catholic Church.
Mr. Lenar's spiritual directory, Fr. Richard Tartaglia can be contacted at St. Mary's Parish.