God calls us to share our faith and blessings in order to provide encouragement and hope for others. In doing so, we spread the gospels to those in need of our Lord's love and mercy which in turn helps to build the Kingdom of God here on earth.
So what does scripture convey regarding answered prayer and events that change our lives for the better as a result of God's blessings?
Oh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples. Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; Speak of all His wonderful acts. (1 Chronicles 16:8-9) I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation. (Psalm 118:21) Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
We wish to thank all subscribers and members of www.Christian-miracles.com for your kind support of this website. We also wish to express our gratitude to Fr. Richard Tartaglia of St. Mary's Church, and Barbara Jones of the National Conference of Catholic Women (NCCW), including our prayer ministry. Our heartfelt gratitude also goes out to the music ministry including parishioners of St. Mary's Church for praying on behalf of all who have submitted prayer requests through this site.
We give thanks and praise to God for blessing this site as a public ministry of prayer, faith and hope. May the Blessed Mother and Holy Saints intercede on your behalf and obtain God's blessings and favor. May Almighty God the Father answer all your prayers through his divine son Jesus Christ.
Therese O'Neil writes on June 5, 2919:"I have been praying the prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for Financial Aid. My prayers have been answered and I wanted to shout it from the highest height! I don't know where to announce that my prayers have been answered so I'm using this venue. Thank you for a wonder website of prayer!" Dave Piekarczyk writes on April 2, 2019:"I sincerely am thankful for all the prayers said on my behalf. My house was sold, but only with the help of all your prayers." Nikita Marshal writes on December 13, 2018:"I would like to report my testimony to my prayer request. I don’t remember how I stumbled upon the Christian-Miracles website but, I found the prayer list helpful and I also requested a prayer request for a something which I had given up hope. I was looking to be gainfully employed for the last 1.5 years but of no avail. Within few weeks on placing my prayer request I was granted a temporary 1 year assignment to begin work in Jan 2019. I wholeheartedly thank each one of you that prayed, and above all, thank God Almighty for this favor and igniting my hope again." Yolanda Scranton writes on November 6, 2018:"I wish to give thanks for a healing that I believe was given to me through prayers to St. Anthony. I had a scar on the cornea of my right eye which was thinning. The eye doctor said that this scar needed to heal because if it ruptured the eye would become infected to the point that I could lose the eye. She said that if the scar did not heal I would be looking at a cornea transplant before anything else. I have been praying to my beloved St. Anthony to help me. Today I went to see the doctor and was fully prepared to go ahead with planning and preparing for the transplant. When she looked through the lens to examine the progress if any the contact lens that was placed on the scar for healing was gone and the scar has somehow healed. I told her I have been praying for St. Anthony to please hear my prayers and help me. I believe in the power of God and I wanted to thank you for making this site available to me so that I can say my prayers and give thanks. Thank you so much." David Kariuki writes on June 9, 2018:"A request made for prayer on my son's healing who was in ICU is answered. The baby stayed in hospital for a month, but when I made this prayer request, he was discharged in four days from ICU to main Ward and in 3 days from the hospital. All glory be to God in Jesus' name. Hallelujah!! Thanks to your prayers." Cecilia Mumba writes on December 27, 2017:"I asked you to help me pray for my eyes and now God has answered our prayers. I initially lived in a different town from where I now live and there, I was told I had glaucoma, eye disease that cannot be cured. I was put on medication (eye drops) which I had to use for life. I am now in a different town and continued to go to the eye hospital for help. I earlier asked you to help me pray, you did. I was at the hospital again today (27th December) and it was confirmed that I do not have glaucoma and that I do not need any medication for my eyes. I was discharged. Thank you for your prayers and please, do not stop helping people to pray." Archana Choudary writes on December 2, 2017: "My Dad, Karnati Thomas, his heart clot is fully melted. I sent a prayer request three weeks back about my dads clot. Today he is going for checkup. Doctor checked and said clot is melted, this is a miracle. Thank you for praying for my dad." Loise Chaga writes on April 14, 2017:"I thank the people who created this website because through it, I have seen God's wonders and favors. May the good Lord bless you. Prayers have now become part of my life, thanks to this website. I'm grateful for your help." Cynthia Wayne writes on January 26, 2017: "I've been sending in prayer requests to your website for awhile now, and as you may know, Prayers Are answered every day. All of my requests that I submitted HAVE been answered! Some answers came so fast, it surprised me. And some prayers were answered in a roundabout way, it mystifies me on how God worked everything out in my financial dilemmas. I've had so many miraculous healings after I sent in my prayer requests to your beautiful organization. God has blessed me with so many answers and solutions, from physical healing to financial. And so quickly too! Thank you again for all of your prayers. God Bless!" Agnes D'cruz writes on January 16, 2017: "I wish to express my sincere thanks to your website and prayer group for all your prayers for the healing of my grandson's condition and speech issues. He has not spoken, talked or responded verbally all these 4+yrs. Imagine the joy and happiness I experienced and all I could do was to praise and thank God for this miracle." Joanne Laverty writes on December 9, 2016: "Thank you so much for your prayers, scan shows lump has gone, truly miraculous, god bless you." Patricia Beacham writes on December 5, 2016: "We were told that my son would not walk again. He had begun to get sensation in his toes and trying to stand. Praise God from whom all blessings flow; thank the prayer community. Continue to pray for us." Cynthia Wayne writes on November 11, 2016: "Thank you so much for your prayers! I have submitted a few requests for special intentions to your beautiful organization, and they have all been answered! One time, one of my prayer requests was answered within 12 hours! And it was concerning a refund of some funds that I thought I was going to have to go to court over. As you pray for me, I say 'Thanksgiving' prayers for all of you!' Thank you so much for praying over all of my and everyone else's intentions!" Jo-Ann Vasquez writes on June 9, 2016: "I have requested prayers from your site and all of them were granted. Thank you." Sarah Fitzroy writes on May 14, 2016: "I just want to thank you all wonderful people who prayed for my needs as well as so many other people. I just get more and more excited about prayer. My prayers were answered in so many ways, not just what I needed to happen, but my life is just amazing. I love prayer, thank you all." Jennifer Bernard writes on December 12, 2015:"I wrote to you asking to pray for my marriage. Today I can say through the Lord Jesus God has restored my marriage, and my husband who works away from home calls all the time, admitting he loves me daily and wants to stay married, he loves his wife. This I hear daily. I publicly thank God from my heart for answered prayers. To God be the Glory, great things He has done!" Kuraz Arkz writes on December 4, 2015:"Thank you blessed Trinity for all the answered prayers. All my prayer intentions submitted here are always being answered promptly. Thank you Blessed Trinity." Graziella-Cristina Eremrj writes on February 28, 2015:"Thank you for sharing with us the light of faith. Thank you for all your work, devotion, enthusiasm and love. Thank you for your inspired and inspirational activity. Thank you for the wonderful prayers to our Father, Jesus, Virgin Mary, Holy Spirit, Archangels, Angels, Saints. God bless you!" Helena Rickijevic writes on December 13, 2014: "Thank you for praying for my father. His health has improved a lot. His blood sugar is under control, and he hasn't had hypoglycemia in a long time. Also, his stomach ulcer seems to have disappeared. His nausea stopped and all that without medication. As far as his leg, he can walk a little without the cane. God is great!" Thabi Nyamane writes on November 3, 2014:"I would like to share a testimony for prayers that I sent through your website in July/Aug/Sept 2014.
I prayed that my sister's auto Immune disease to be be healed, and this month (November) she is healthy, and doctors have no explanation how this could be. I am thankful to God for his mercy and I am thankful for all your prayers.
My other prayer was for my sisters to find work, as we speak, one has started today, her circumstances were such that no one wanted to employ her. I am actually very emotional because I realize the miracle that is within my sister finding work while being Bipolar. My other sister, is going for an interview and it looks good. Only God can make miracles happen. Such astounding miracle.
My third prayer which I prayed in July, before the others was that I would find clarity with a particular man and have him choose whether he wants me in his life or not. I prayed for a partner. You won't believe me but this particular guy has chosen me and each day he shows me how much he appreciates me and how much he loves me and he is extending this to my daughter as well.
Miracles happen. I believe and would like to tell everyone that submits their prayers on your websites to never give up hope. Things might not change immediately but they will. The Lord loves us and if we ask we shall receive unless its something that might harm us.
I will never be able to thank Him and everyone who prays for me enough. May you all keep doing your wonderful work with Love and pure hearts. May you all stay blessed."
Emmanuel Osime writes:"I just want to say thank you for your wonderful prayers for my son Matthew. He had a heart transplant in May 2013. It was a success and since then, he is been doing fine. He just got back from a basketball camp at the University of Connecticut. So I want to say thanks to all you that have been praying for him. May God continue to bless your works. Amen. GOD IS GREAT!!" Bethany-Megan Pennine writes:"I'm unsure whether or not it was your lovely internet site (www.Christian-Miracles.com), but when I submitted my prayer request to you, I found the St. Jude Prayer and as I lingered there, a beautiful perfume/fragrance came into the room. I felt spiritually uplifted and knew it was nothing material but a spiritual presence. My sincere appreciation to the Good Lord & Saints and yourselves!!! With kindest regards and God bless you for your wonderful saintly work." Megan Elliott writes on April 10, 2012:"Today I saw on Spirit Daily an image of a miraculous photo that links to your website. You will see that the cross of light on your website looks the same as the image in the photo I sent to you! When I saw those photos this morning I cried with joy. Everyday for seven years I have thought of that miraculous image I saw and now here is someone else (Loci B. Lenar) with such an experience!!! I just cannot fathom such things! Actually, it is so providential, as of today (I am now in teacher's college at University of Toronto) I had to do a presentation on a possible resource that religion teachers could use in the classroom. I really wanted to present on the Spirit Dailywebsite, but I was afraid of the reaction I would get by less 'orthodox' individuals. But this morning I said I would not shy away from my spirituality and my beliefs. So I presented the Spirit Daily website to my class and also showed your website (https://www.christian-miracles.com/) as well. I was almost in tears! I took the picture in 2005 in Ottawa, Ontario, (coincidentally during this summer I had a 'conversion of heart'). It is also the day before my birthday. I have only seen it that day and the day after for maybe 30 minutes each.
This morning I praised God and as I did so, two bright flashes quickly illuminated (my already brightly lit) bedroom." Joan Wester Anderson writes in her column on Guideposts.com: "One of my favorite fellow bloggers is Loci Lenar, who posts Angels, Wonders and Miracles of Faith. This blog documents current spiritual signs and wonders, happenings that make people sit up and take notice. It’s a beautiful and colorful site—Loci is extremely tech-talented—but the content is even better because we are able to see it." Gail Aggen, a member of our site, writes:"I am a Catholic Christian wife, mother and grandmother. I have returned to Catholicism after being in the Episcopal church from age 20 to age 50. The Protestant church taught me the bible and about building Christian community. The Catholic Church is my "birth mother", and the one to which I have returned. I believe in the Real Presence in the holy Eucharist, the doctrines of Mary and the saints and feel I am a bridge to others from both sides." Michael La Corte, the former Executive Director at The World Apostolate of Fatima, USA, writes: "Loci, congratulations on your beautiful site (https://www.christian-miracles.com/) and informative blog (Angels, Wonders, and Miracles of Faith). I am sure you touch many hearts and souls." Linda Andrie writes:"I love the spirituality of this website. I love the prayers and community that exemplifies Christ's Love for us." Janet Mary Pimental, a member of our site and a Veteran of the Navy Waves, writes: "I am a devout Christian and find your wonderful website fulfills all my ideals of Christianity." Alfredo Briones writes: "Before finding this website (Christian-Miracles.com), my life was is disarray. My faith was diminishing, health was poor and my overall view of life was pessimistic.Through not only my prayers but through the prayers of those that prayed for me, Our Lord and Savior Jesus has answered my prayers. I am healthier; I am looking at life in a different perspective and my faith has risen to a new level. I truly believe that I was led to this wonderful website that has changed my life. I pray for everyone on this site and I will always be grateful for what this website has done for me. Praise God for he is the answer and the love; the power and the glory forever." Annie Thomas writes, "I got internal peace and faith while browsing through this website (Christian-Miracles.com). May God make all things possible." Fred writes, "I thank the Lord for guiding me to this website (Christian-Miracles.com); the strength of prayer is truly awesome and faith is powerful. May God watch over everyone on this site and answer all their prayer requests. Let us never give up hope and faith." Maria Antonia writes:"I fell in love with this fantastic website (Christian-Miracles.com), and can't miss visiting even for one single day!" Patricia Louis writes: " Loci, I'm so happy to have found you on the Internet!!! While searching the Internet for pictures of the Wedding Feast at Cana, I came across your Web Site (Flickr.com) and then on to Christian-Miracles.com (Signs, Wonders and Miracles). WOW! How awesome! It's a definite "bookmark" page. And I totally agree with you that "peace is coming!" Our Lady's January 25, 2011, Medjugorje message confirms it!" Edna writes:"I believe it is by God’s grace that I came to this website (Christian-Miracles.com). I am a 31 year old woman living in Uganda and I am truly humbled by this site. As a young child, I heard my mum always say that Saint Jude Thaddeus is a true miracle worker. I chose him as my intercessor to Almighty God. I have no regrets whatsoever and I strongly say this with all confidence that he has seen me through my entire school life; helped me pass all my exams; got a good Job; great family, the list is endless."
Please share your faith, blessings, testimony or story with our community. When sending email, please include your full name. Send to: [email protected]